Startar mitt 12:e försök, 24 timmar gillt hoppas jag. Hinner väl med 6 försök till, sedan har mina
5 dagar som jag kan ladda ner filen gått ut. Vad håller NI på med? Inget svar från supporten ännu,
bara automatmail.
Däremot presenterar dom nya produkter att ladda ner, inte ett ord om att det är kaos i
server och support.
Kanske man kan be NI inaktivera mitt serienummer och skänka pengarna till välgörande ändamål?
En annan med liknande problem:
As I wrote in my previous thread I bought a copy of pre-bass which I was able to download the PC version for, but not the mac version
Now I cannot download kontakt player for PC, probably for the very same reason 17 MB.
I've tried to download both these programs on my
Mac PB os x 10.5.8 with safari 4.0.4, mozilla 2 and 3.5
PC Mozilla and explorer 8, windows XP
I've also tried without my router directly to the adsl line, directly to telia my internet provider.
I've also tried to get the Kontact player link with two different emails, same problem
I guess the internet download store have major problems! I was going to use the bass in some commercial tracks today, guess I have to go elsewhere for samples?
« Senast ändrad: 14.01.2010, 20:38:36 by Jonte »