Då är det dags för festival nr 76, som alltså ska ha temat country-låt byggd på AI-genererad text!
Det finns bra country-musik, som t.ex Ron Sexsmith eller Emmylou Harris, det behöver ju inte vara smörigt som Buck Owens.
Gör en country-låt, akustisk eller elektrifierad, som bygger på nedanstående text. Ackord och melodi kan väljas fritt,
men texten tillåts enbart smärre justeringar i. Bidraget skickas i mp3-format till cpg.estberg@gmail.com.
Bidraget ska vara inskickat senast 23/4, men det kan förlängas om vi känner att vi behöver mer tid.
Det kan ju knappast vara publicerat tidigare. Samarbete uppmuntras. Band-in-a-Box tycker jag inte ska tillåtas,
då blir det ju bara sången kvar att spela in....Säg till om jag glömt något!
Verse 1:
Gonna hop on my tractor, take a spin around town
In Grimslöv, where the fields stretch out all around
Got my radio blasting, country tunes in the air
Got nowhere to go, just enjoying the ride without a care
Gonna ride around in my tractor
Down the dirt roads and the backwoods
Listening to country music on my boom box
In Grimslöv, where life is simple and good
Verse 2:
Passing by the old church, where my grandpa rests in peace
And the general store, where they sell the best cheese
People wave and smile, as I drive on by
In this small village, where time seems to fly
Gonna ride around in my tractor
Down the dirt roads and the backwoods
Listening to country music on my boom box
In Grimslöv, where life is simple and good
There's something about this place, that makes me feel at home
Maybe it's the friendly faces or the way the wind blows
I don't need much to be happy, just my tractor and my tunes
In Grimslöv, where the sky is always blue
Gonna ride around in my tractor
Down the dirt roads and the backwoods
Listening to country music on my boom box
In Grimslöv, where life is simple and good
As the sun sets on this little town
I know I'll be back, to ride around
In my tractor, listening to country music
In Grimslöv, where my heart feels renewed
Chords: (valfritt)
Verse: G, C, D
Chorus: G, D, C, D
Bridge: Am, C, G, D
Outro: G, C, D