
Ella Maria

0 medlemmar och 1 gäst tittar på detta ämne.

Utloggad ellamaria

  • Nykomling
  • *
    • Antal inlägg: 7
    • Visa profil

This is my first time joining this website, so I'm just saying hi and introducing myself.

I got my keyboard when I was a kid, learned how to play it, and fell in love with making music. Now finally I'm working on my songs together with Mahan, he is amazing, and hopefully we will get a few good ones out soon. ^_^ I'm more than happy to receive any comments and suggestions. Enjoy :)


Utloggad Gurano

  • Johnny Cash
  • ******
    • Antal inlägg: 5 190
    • Visa profil

This is my first time joining this website, so I'm just saying hi and introducing myself.

I got my keyboard when I was a kid, learned how to play it, and fell in love with making music. Now finally I'm working on my songs together with Mahan, he is amazing, and hopefully we will get a few good ones out soon. ^_^ I'm more than happy to receive any comments and suggestions. Enjoy :)


Welcome to KR - Mahan is a good partner to work together with :D

Kör hårt - så länge det ryker!

Utloggad Marruschkka

  • Legend
  • *****
    • Antal inlägg: 2 677
  • Är det bra så är jag på!
    • Visa profil
Very welcome, we need female singers here :wub:

I´ll listen to your work, nice!

Best regards from

Maria Marre Marruschkka (you´ll be seeing different names of my appearance here, but I´m still Marre :lol:

Take care.


Utloggad Eddi

  • Elvis
  • *******
    • Antal inlägg: 13 274
    • Visa profil
    • WideWorld & Friends
Hi and very welcome Ella
Strävar framåt men blickar bakåt för säkerhets skull
: Min nya homezite http://www.wideworld.se

Utloggad MaxB

  • Elvis
  • *******
    • Antal inlägg: 16 857
    • Visa profil
    • http://elvshand.shivas.se
  • Soundcloud: gitarr
Jag lever i dået nu och är ingen kändis. Det är min Mini-Magitron - på Google

Utloggad Burnin_Sven

  • Idol
  • ****
    • Antal inlägg: 1 079
    • Visa profil

Utloggad HasseFX

  • Idol
  • ****
    • Antal inlägg: 1 710
    • Visa profil

Utloggad Dividend

  • Elvis
  • *******
    • Antal inlägg: 10 256
  • Den som noterar musik, använder inte gitarr!
    • Visa profil