
Chrome ft Julianna: Astray

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Utloggad hogge

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Jag hoppar över Googles översättningsverktyg och tar detta på svenska jag.. Sorry!

Oerhört vacker på alla sätt & vis.. Sången är givetvis så bedårande som alla redan skrivit... En riktig Lisa för själen detta..
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Utloggad egghuvud

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Mycket snyggt. Behövs inte mer, det får inte bli för brötigt. Tycker att sångljudet är lite flåsigt och essigt. Mild deessning kanske?  Jag gillar rytmiken som kommer in halvvägs. Precis lagom avvägt.

Vocals very nice a bit hard on the ess och t:s, so a deeser maby?. Great vocals reminded me of Kate Bush, but more straight forward and not so teatrical wich acctually is a +. Well done!!  :)

Utloggad Emulator

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This really takes the breath out of me! Very emotional and artistic. Great performance by all and a beatiful composition. Perhaps a slight varition of chord progression or a middle-eight part would lift it even higher but I am not sure. I like it as it is right now. Julianna your vocal here... wow! But don't forget who first dicovered it in Sweden!  ;) :D

Well, its  a question of what is good and why I guess :D On a personal level, I like how its a bit hypnotic and monotone, while Julis voice is conveying more or less the only change. On the other hand I can also imagine another chord progression or some kind of different stuff to break it up a little. But, it stays like stis for the time being I guess.

Yes, isnt the vocals just amazing?

Thanx eq!!
This really takes the breath out of me! Very emotional and artistic. Great performance by all and a beatiful composition. Perhaps a slight varition of chord progression or a middle-eight part would lift it even higher but I am not sure. I like it as it is right now. Julianna your vocal here... wow! But don't forget who first dicovered it in Sweden!  ;) :D

Never, my friend.  I will never forget!  :)

OH!  And I've just discovered that what I don't like about the vocals is MY FAULT!  Not some weird autotune thing as I suspected... (note to self for next time... check your own tracks FIRST if you think there's a problem!).... SO.  I'm sending some new ones to you, Emu!

I think Ive got them :) thnx!
Jag hoppar över Googles översättningsverktyg och tar detta på svenska jag.. Sorry!

Oerhört vacker på alla sätt & vis.. Sången är givetvis så bedårande som alla redan skrivit... En riktig Lisa för själen detta..

Tack för det hogge! Vi lämnar väl vad en lisa för själen kan betyda i händerna på google va? :lol:
Mycket snyggt. Behövs inte mer, det får inte bli för brötigt. Tycker att sångljudet är lite flåsigt och essigt. Mild deessning kanske?  Jag gillar rytmiken som kommer in halvvägs. Precis lagom avvägt.

Vocals very nice a bit hard on the ess och t:s, so a deeser maby?. Great vocals reminded me of Kate Bush, but more straight forward and not so teatrical wich acctually is a +. Well done!!  :)

Yeah, my bad there. I will look into the sound of the vox later on.

Im glad you liked it! I also think that this level of arrangement on this tune is just about tight.

Thank you eggz!


Utloggad Emulator

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Nu är den här klar tamej...

Nya gitarrer från W, nya mix, nya synthar, ny sång från J, ny backing vox från mig.

Vad säger ni? Låter det klart? Alla synpunkter mottages varmt :)

Tanken med arret är att det skall  lyfta fram sången som får ta fokus. Lite flytande, lite flummigt, lite ambient fond till sången som jag tycker blev fantastiskt bra.

Flyttar till färdiga!




Utloggad jonnerstone

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Jag har ju haft lyxen att få följa denna låt från embryo till vad den är nu. Fan va bra det blev!!!

Julianna sings like an angel!! Emu's backing vocals are great. Wernborgs guitars and bass are very tasteful. And the whole produktion is very proffesional. And that breathsound at the end is simply a stroke of genius. I love it

This song is definitely finished!!



  • Gäst
Monotont och ingen kontrapunkt..   ;)

Nejdå.. Skämta bara. Sketabra blev detta! Gillar alla små grejer som fyller ut ljudbilden. Basen i slutet t.ex. skitsnyggt!

Julianna - You sing with an amazing feeling and you have a beautiful voice, perfect for the song!

Gött mos!

Utloggad Leif

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Med risk för att låta okunstruktiv, så måste jag ändå säga att den är skitbra, färdig och det finns nog ingenting som kan göra den bättre än vad den är! Nu har den nog nått en gräns när den bara kan bli sämre om du pillar vidare...fan, kanske blev ganska konstruktivt ändå.  ;)

Ha de bäst! Bra jobbat!

Utloggad equality

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I've heard this before. Some vibes of Gymnopedie but the beatiful melody goes in an other direction beatifully performed by Julianna. J you do this with so much passion, it's almost heartbreaking. It's a gem turned into a dimond. The only nit I have is that ride cymbal from 01:48 in 16th:s, I can't see (hear) the point. Maybe I've missed something modern here?   
« Senast ändrad: 19.08.2010, 00:17:11 by equality »
'There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money either.' Robert Graves

Utloggad Eddi

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A BIG backdunk from me, very nice and I think all been said already - Kate Bush, a penetrating wellplaced bass and guitarres, a well set sound on the second vocals and a real nice flum (I wonder about Google here) all over the theme.
Strävar framåt men blickar bakåt för säkerhets skull
: Min nya homezite http://www.wideworld.se


  • Gäst
Beautiful singing and an exciting arrangement. Nice colab!


  • Gäst
This version was by far the best, of course. I like everything, except for the fuzzy guitars that in my opinion takes away the foggy and very pleasant mood that you manage to build in the beginning. Otherwise I just love the song.

Utloggad Emulator

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Jag har ju haft lyxen att få följa denna låt från embryo till vad den är nu. Fan va bra det blev!!!

Julianna sings like an angel!! Emu's backing vocals are great. Wernborgs guitars and bass are very tasteful. And the whole produktion is very proffesional. And that breathsound at the end is simply a stroke of genius. I love it

This song is definitely finished!!


What can I say? Thank you!  :wub: I think we managed to get a coherent mix & suond in the end!

Thanks again :) lots n lots of warmth within that comment :)

Monotont och ingen kontrapunkt..   ;)

Nejdå.. Skämta bara. Sketabra blev detta! Gillar alla små grejer som fyller ut ljudbilden. Basen i slutet t.ex. skitsnyggt!

Julianna - You sing with an amazing feeling and you have a beautiful voice, perfect for the song!

Gött mos!

Tack mannen! Ja basen där spelar ju det "andra" temat som W tog fram under framtagningen av akustica-versionen.  Och visst sjunger J bra!

Med risk för att låta okunstruktiv, så måste jag ändå säga att den är skitbra, färdig och det finns nog ingenting som kan göra den bättre än vad den är! Nu har den nog nått en gräns när den bara kan bli sämre om du pillar vidare...fan, kanske blev ganska konstruktivt ändå.  ;)

Ha de bäst! Bra jobbat!

Shit, vilken kommentar  :wub: Vi låter bli vidare pill här (förutom eventuellt att korrigera en sak som nog mest jag o W tänker på :D


I've heard this before. Some vibes of Gymnopedie but the beatiful melody goes in an other direction beatifully performed by Julianna. J you do this with so much passion, it's almost heartbreaking. It's a gem turned into a dimond. The only nit I have is that ride cymbal from 01:48 in 16th:s, I can't see (hear) the point. Maybe I've missed something modern here?   

gem turner into a diamond :wub: Well yeah, the song started out as gymnopedie inspiration, but that got a bit lost when the piano isnt alone first. I kind of like how it turned out in the end though :)

I dont htink i have used a single ride in this song? And, the sounds you are reffering to is a synth arpeggio? Turn up the volume :D

(OR is it me that is completely lost? :D =

And yeah, the vox. I agree with you there :)  Thanks a million man!

A BIG backdunk from me, very nice and I think all been said already - Kate Bush, a penetrating wellplaced bass and guitarres, a well set sound on the second vocals and a real nice flum (I wonder about Google here) all over the theme.

Glad you enjoyed the flumride :) thnx!

Beautiful singing and an exciting arrangement. Nice colab!

Thanks asti!

This version was by far the best, of course. I like everything, except for the fuzzy guitars that in my opinion takes away the foggy and very pleasant mood that you manage to build in the beginning. Otherwise I just love the song.

Well We had quite an internal debate on the guitars. We tried many versions, with more solo-ish guitars, but settled on this version where the tones blend in a little more in the background, but still is clearly audiable in the mix. Its more chrome-ish we think, and I my mind the guitar and base adds another dimension. I little les flum, yes, but more egde and sence of urgency.

Thank you so much for your words!

Tack allihop, verkligen skitroligt att vi lyckats göra något som verkar gå hem hos så många =)



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« Senast ändrad: 15.01.2014, 02:09:42 by Emulator »